
Quotes: Don't Stop Until You are Done

This is my advice to all the people from the world "Don't Stop Until you are Done."

Don't stop in the mid way. Always try to complete the task at your hand.


Want to be a Entrepreneur, Be Financially Independent first

Yesterday, I was reading about a blog post, in which the author was discussing why rich people (or their children) are better entrepreneur.

The author said that the rich people are better entrepreneur because they have the cushion of money to prevent them if they fail. They have the money to stand again if they fall. This eliminates the fear among them.


Pay Your Debts as Quickly and Aggressively as possible

Many of us have Debts like Student Loans, Car loans, Credit from someone, House loans etc. My advice to you is this try to pay these loans or debts as quickly as possible.

We people do not realize this but we are being crushed by the interest we are paying on these loans (10-15% interest is normal). We are being crushed by this interest and this debt.


Investing is not Gambling, if you invest Right

Many people have told me and I'm sure you must also have heard that "Investing is Gambling." Now, I'm not going to tell you they are wrong. They are right investing is gambling for them because they are not investing right.

In reality these kind of people are not investors at all, they are speculators. They speculate, that's the reason they feel that investing is gambling.


Time is the most Precious Asset you have got!!

The most precious asset is not your house, it is not your business, it is not your investment and it is not all the things you have bought or want to buy. The most precious asset is Time.

Yes, time is the most important thing. We all waste our time in one way or another. But remember it is your most important investment. If you invest it wrong you will be destroyed or will just remain normal.