
Ultimate Advice For Getting Rich


You must be thinking I've gone mad or something. But it is true. The ultimate advice for getting rich is to read whatever you can get. Read Everything you can find on the topic you are searching for. Read books, article, magazines, news papers, blogs (like this one), Financial Statements etc.

I know, I know many of you hate reading. But it is true.

Reading help us in obtaining experience from other people who are far more experienced and faced the life. It makes us to see the world from other person prospective which is a good thing. Reading also introduce us to new ideas and helps us see the world in a different way.

Reading book is a very productive. Just try to read a book a week and you will start to see the difference in no time. Read books about money, personal finance, psychology, anything that will keep you on this track.

I recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, MONEY Master the Game  by Tony Robbins and many more. There is simply no limit of the books you can get on the topic of money and personal finance.

You should also read atleast one article on the topic of personal finance each. This way you will remain aware of the changes you have to make.
You can follow the market by reading magazine and news papers.

So you guys who don't read should start to read and those who read should continue reading.

In the I would like to say this quote:

A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. –Neil Gaiman

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Be Rich and Stay Rich.

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