
No one can predict Market correctly

Yes, you can never predict whether the market will go up or not. You can only speculate the movement of the market.

No one actually in this world can correctly predict the movement of the market 100% of the time. The person who are claiming to do this are either lying or he is god.

So, beware of such kind of person who say they can predict 100% correctly the movement of the market. Beware of those market gurus, market analyst, financial manager, etc. who have ever told you that.

The share market is like a human being. Like we cannot correctly predict all the action of the person, same way, we cannot predict all the action of the market. So, always be wary about your investment or you will lose.

Actually we cannot correctly predict the market because there are too many factors to take into consideration that even man's greatest creation, the computer, can not solve this equation. Who are we infront of the computer's memory and speed.

Fit this in your mind permanently that No one can predict the market. We can only make our most calculated bet and wish for the best.

Happy Investing

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