
Investing Tip: Don't believe Anyone

One of our biggest mistake is that we believe anyone in the matters of Finance and Investing. Don't believe anyone.

Just enquire and try to get as much as information you can and invest in the best stock you can find. Do not follow others. Don't be a sheep in the herd.

Don't believe anyone. By anyone, I mean literally anyone. Don't believe anyone, everyone will let you down one day or another.

Don't believe your friend who invest, don't listen to your brother or your father, don't listen the TV gurus and financial advisers and so called experts.

Oh! Don't listen to the so called expert on market you see in news paper, TV and other places. Please! Please! Please! Don't ever believe them. I beg you. They are the biggest liars. Just wait for a minute and think, if they are really experts "Why are they not Rich, yet?" And also as soon as there advice results in loss, they will not shy away in saying that "it was just an advice and its your mistake." 

Don't even Believe me. But just study the market and invest yourself and believe yourself.

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