
Opportunity and How to find them?

The definition of Opportunity is a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Opportunities are everywhere and in everything. You just have to look for the opportunity you will surely find one or more.

You can find opportunity to earn money in almost anything even in the garbage. The garbage can be collected and sold for recycling. You can earn substantial amount by selling garbage. I am not telling you guys to start collecting garbage. I am just giving example that money can be earned by anything. You just have to find a way by which you can earn money using that thing.

We people miss many opportunities. These opportunities are just invisible to us. Opportunities come and go, and we do not see them.

I will tell you a way in which you can find opportunities. You can find opportunity by thinking "How can earn money from this thing?" By asking this question you put your mind in thinking mode and you will be able to think clearly and find opportunities.

I will give you some more advice. You have to change your friendship. You should be friends with people who are good at finding opportunity.

And one more advice you should read. Read anything Books, Magazines, Articles, Newspapers etc. Just Read. Reading makes you aware of new opportunities and make you more receptive to change. Reading will make you more aware in finding opportunity.

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