
Choose your Friends Wisely

"Choose your friends wisely," this is the advice my teacher gave me in the fifth grade. I did not understood that until I became a teenager.

In the childhood we've heard something like friends are jewel. They might be. But what good are the friends who bring you down.

A friend is a person which helps you to prosper. What good is a friend who can not even do this.

My advice to is this you should be friends with the people who are successful and help you prosper, help you to accomplish more.

It is true, if two person are friends for enough time, they take each others traits. So, if you are a friend with an unsuccessful, demotivated person, you will become like them. On the otherhand, if you are friends with successful person, you will be a Success.

So, you should leave unsuccessful friends. I know, you must be thinking How can I leave my friend? We are friends for a long time.

I understand. This is a normal thought. But must leave them to prosper in your life. No one is saying that it will be easy. But "You got to do, what you have to do."

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