Yeah right, Think of what you don't know. You should think of the short comings, not your achievements.
Yes, people tell you think of your achievements and it is right to think of them to for motivation. That is all they provide motivation which by the way is important.
But, what the thinking of the achievements do not provide is a concrete plan, ways by which you will never lose. Moreover the achievements make you arrogant and make you vulnerable to making mistakes.
What thinking of what you don't know do is, make you think of them mistakes, loopholes, possible misinterpretations etc and helps you eliminate that.
"No one knows Everything." The people who think they know everything are lying to world and themselves. So, try to educate yourself as much as possible, you will not always be able to know everything, but you should try to attain information about everything you can get your hands on.
Thinking of what you don't know helps you eliminate maximum loopholes, though not all, and helps you making the system efficient.
So, always ask yourself this question, "What I don't know?"
Then, when you find out the answer, ask yourself, "What can I do about it?"
This is the right question to ask.
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