
Keep Motivating Yourself, Before and During the Task

Motivation is very important if you want to achieve something in your life.

Motivation is a very powerful thing. It can make you achieve the things you haven't even dreamed of. It can make you achieve the impossible.

So, remember keep motivating yourself because no one else gonna do it. You have to do it yourself. The other are busy envying, criticizing or undermining your efforts. You are the one that needs to keep yourself motivated.

And you will need motivation more than you think you will need. You will many times. Your confidence would waiver more often than you think. You will try to quit the job. At these time, the motivation, rather self-motivation will help you to remain on the task and complete it. 

The motivation will help face the failure, hardships of the task with ease.

Keep motivating yourself before and during the task, so that you don't quit the job just before the reward.

You can motivate yourself by affirmation, watching motivational videos (TED videos on YouTube are great), listening to songs, thinking of the reward. There are many ways, you can do whatever suits you.

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