
3 (Three) thing that can make you Rich within 5 years, no matter where you start from

Everyone wants to be rich as soon as possible, but we some how believe that it is not possible. We are made to believe that we cannot get rich in years, it takes decade to be rich. But it is not true.

I am writing this post to tell you that you can get rich in years, not decades, no matter where you start from. Just remember it will take a lot of hard work to achieve that.
If you only follow these things, you will definitely get rich:

Read More Books: I've told you many times before also, read as many books as possible and try to find just one paragraph or more that will make you millionaire. Books are like goldmines, you just have to know where to dig. Books also help us not to make mistakes other people had made. So, please, just try to read a single book (Non-Fiction) a month, that makes 12 books a year which is far more than 99% of the people.

Get around Rich People: Try to get around rich people, self-made millionaires, and other experienced people. They have got lot more to teach than we can realize. They have gone through these tough roads, and they can help you. And they will be happy to help you, just know how to approach them. They are just looking for opportunities to teach other what they have got.

Set Higher Goals: If the goal you are pursuing seems achievable and easy, you are not setting right goals. You should always aim higher, higher than you believe you can achieve. You should push yourself to achieve the un-achievable. So, set higher goals. I will give you a simple tip, just multiply your goal with 10 and try to achieve it. I've explained it better in my previous post.

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