
Obsession is not a Bad Thing..!!

How many people have you met in you life who has stopped you from doing something because you were too obsessed with that thing?

I am writing this post just to tell you that obsession with something is not a bad thing, unless is used to harm anybody else.
Obsession with something makes you do the things that no one has ever thought of. Obsession with something help you find the ways in which you can better that thing. Obsession with a thing makes you prosper and develop that thing to the extent no one ever thought.

Greatness is not achieved by doing the normal things, if it would be like that everybody will be great. Greatness is achieved by obsession with a thing, an idea or anything that you believe can change you, others and the world.

Many people stop us from doing the things we are obsessed with. How many times people have told you stop going to gym or writing a post on your blog or starting a business etc because you were obsessed. 

You see the problem not lies in you, the problem lies with the people who are telling you this. They do not want you to be great, they just want you to remain normal and be with them all the time. They have the insecurity that if you become great you will leave them.

So, don't let these people whether your friend, family or an acquaintance decide your future of average for you. You are bound to great. Don't let the people like them stop you from being great. You are great. You are born to be great.

So, Just Be Obsessed with singing, dancing, writing, exercising, painting, business, science, blogging, or any other thing that I've left. Just go be obsessed and show this world what you are made of.

1 comment:

  1. Great Thought.
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