
Doing Things that Scares the Hell out of You

We all have faced that feeling called Fear. The fear of doing something always keeps us from doing the things which we otherwise have done and enjoyed a lot. Whether it is talking to somebody we like, Bungee Jumping, making your first blog, speaking on the stage and many more things. The fear has stopped many of us from doing these things.

For things that scare the hell out of you, I will recommend only one thing just do it anyway.
Yes! do it anyway do not think about what is going to happen or what are you doing. Just do it. Just come out of your comfort zone, the place that does not challenge you, the place that is boring. Just break the chains and expand your comfort zone.

It does not matter that you suck at doing it because many great people suck at first till they become the best. If you want to write just start a blog and write. You will suck at the start but eventually you will improve. Look at me! I used to suck at writing but eventually you will improve (By the way I still suck, but less than before).
This 1 minute courage to just do it will take you a long away. Just do not think of what are you doing just do it. You can think before or after this 1 minute but not during the 1 minute you are doing. Just remember to burn the way back, so you cannot come back. I will give you an example, if you want to join the gym but are not able to due to fear, just go and pay the fee and join the gym. If you are someone like me you will go to the gym just because you paid. Just burn the bridge back so that you cannot come back.

If the task you are going to do is to big for you, just break it into small pieces and try to do those pieces that is both less difficult and challenging for you. Just take baby steps toward success. If you have stage fright, just not go to the stage, you will shit yourself. Just start first by talking to your friend, then to some stranger, then give a lecture to family and friends, then a gathering of 50 or so people and then on the big stage. These baby steps will make you speak comfortably and smoothly and you will probably not shit yourself.

Just accept the fear and try to calm yourself. This fear is all in your mind. It is the your mind, You that stops you from doing the things that you otherwise had done easily. Nobody gives a F**k about you, whether you suck or not. Nobody cares for you. They are just too self obsessed with themselves. It is only you who cares about the things you suck at and does not try to improve those. There is a saying "The Limits exist only in your Mind." Just remember these words.

So, just do the things that scares the hell out of you and you will be Great.

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