
Know your Emotions all the time

The knowledge of your own emotions is much more rewarding then the knowledge in any other subject.

In this age people know almost of everything, but they do not know what they are feeling or what there emotions are.

We do not ask ourself these question because they do not seem important. But remember the knowledge of our own emotion provides us great power over ourselves.

The knowledge of our emotions gives us the power to control them. If we have the knowledge about our emotions, we will control the emotions, not the other way around. We will have better control over our lives. We will be more successful. We will be more happy.

Suppose you are angry, the knowledge that you are angry will give you the power to control it. Unlike the people who are angry, you will make rational decisions even when you are angry. This is the control you need.

There are many emotions ,the psychologist and scientist are fighting over the correct number of emotions but there are 68 emotions according to Wikipedia. 

Don't be worried you don't need to remember all.

These 8 emotions will just do - 
  1. Anger
  2. Anticipation
  3. Disgust
  4. Fear
  5. Joy
  6. Sadness
  7. Surprise
  8. Trust
Just remember these 8 emotions and ask yourself which of these are you feeling right now.

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