

One of the biggest problem in this world is that nobody listen to others. Everybody want to tell what they have to. Nobody listens to others point of way. In the present world, there are many good Speakers but not a good Listener.
So, Man just clean your ears and start listening to what others have to say.
Everyone likes to speak and they also speak, but nobody listen. Please, Listen to what others have to say, it might be helpful. This might help you in one way or other.

People often tell what they think is relevant, important or worth telling. They tell these thing from experience. So, listen to them, you might find a shortcut or a way to your dream, goals.

We think we know all, but in reality we know very less. There is son much in this world to gain knowledge from. One of the simplest way is to learn from others experience. Everybody has so much to tell us. You just have listen, listen deeply.

Moreover listen to others will make you more likable because everybody wants to get heard. So, by hearing to there problem will make you more likable and popular.

But, don't always assume that the other person is right. The other person is wrong more often than you think. So, just analyse what everybody has to say on the topic than take the action which you think is right or best suited for the situation.

So, Speak Less and Listen more.

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