
EQ over IQ

This post is about how Emotional Quotient (EQ) is better than Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in determining the success of a person in life.

Emotional Quotient is the level of a person's emotional intelligence. EQ is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately.

On the other had, Intelligence Quotient is the level of person's Intelligence. IQ is the amount of the knowledge a person has.

EQ is the ability of a person to recognize their emotions which gives them the power to control those emotions. It give you the power of controlling anger, frustration, sadness, fear etc. This control over your emotions helps you be more successful in your life.

Look inside you, know your feeling and control your feeling. These three steps will make you more powerful than all the knowledge in the world cannot make you.

We certainly know that IQ is not the determinant of being successful in life. We know many people who are intelligent but are not successful and we know many people who have low IQ but are successful. So, the IQ is not sole determinant of being successful in life, EQ is also the determinant.

Actually a study conducted found that to be successful in life you need 20% IQ and 80% EQ. So, we can see which is more important, EQ.

So, Guys forget about IQ, lets increase our EQ to be successful. This post will help you better to Know you Emotions, Click Here.

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