
Best way to avoid Procrastination - Just Get Started

Procrastination is very bad habit. We all postpone important thing in our lives because they are difficult, boring and god know, how many more reasons.
I am going to tell a simple way to avoid procrastination and be more productive in life - JUST GET STARTED.

Yes just start. You will be thinking what kind of insane advice is that. This is the most sane advice I can give you.

Just get started. Once we have started our task, we find that it is not so boring or difficult, we find it easy to complete the task. The bad things we think about the task is actually only in our mind. Our mind just make assumptions and more than often it overestimates difficulty of the task.
Once we start we start to look for the reward at the end, not the hard work we will have to do to achieve that reward. This makes us more productive.

So, just start the task which you have thought of starting but have not started them.

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