
Quotes: Don't Stop Until You are Done

This is my advice to all the people from the world "Don't Stop Until you are Done."

Don't stop in the mid way. Always try to complete the task at your hand.


Want to be a Entrepreneur, Be Financially Independent first

Yesterday, I was reading about a blog post, in which the author was discussing why rich people (or their children) are better entrepreneur.

The author said that the rich people are better entrepreneur because they have the cushion of money to prevent them if they fail. They have the money to stand again if they fall. This eliminates the fear among them.


Pay Your Debts as Quickly and Aggressively as possible

Many of us have Debts like Student Loans, Car loans, Credit from someone, House loans etc. My advice to you is this try to pay these loans or debts as quickly as possible.

We people do not realize this but we are being crushed by the interest we are paying on these loans (10-15% interest is normal). We are being crushed by this interest and this debt.


Investing is not Gambling, if you invest Right

Many people have told me and I'm sure you must also have heard that "Investing is Gambling." Now, I'm not going to tell you they are wrong. They are right investing is gambling for them because they are not investing right.

In reality these kind of people are not investors at all, they are speculators. They speculate, that's the reason they feel that investing is gambling.


Time is the most Precious Asset you have got!!

The most precious asset is not your house, it is not your business, it is not your investment and it is not all the things you have bought or want to buy. The most precious asset is Time.

Yes, time is the most important thing. We all waste our time in one way or another. But remember it is your most important investment. If you invest it wrong you will be destroyed or will just remain normal.


Don't Blame Others, Take the Responsibilty..!!

All of us, everyone, try to blame others for the mistakes we have done. We blame others for the mistakes and the wrongdoings which happens to us in our lives and we do it so genuinely that we have started believing it ourselves that the mistake is of the other person.

This is my advice to you that please, please, please do not blame other for the wrong things that have happened to you.


Obsession is not a Bad Thing..!!

How many people have you met in you life who has stopped you from doing something because you were too obsessed with that thing?

I am writing this post just to tell you that obsession with something is not a bad thing, unless is used to harm anybody else.

Doing Things that Scares the Hell out of You

We all have faced that feeling called Fear. The fear of doing something always keeps us from doing the things which we otherwise have done and enjoyed a lot. Whether it is talking to somebody we like, Bungee Jumping, making your first blog, speaking on the stage and many more things. The fear has stopped many of us from doing these things.

For things that scare the hell out of you, I will recommend only one thing just do it anyway.


EQ over IQ

This post is about how Emotional Quotient (EQ) is better than Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in determining the success of a person in life.

Emotional Quotient is the level of a person's emotional intelligence. EQ is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately.


Work Harder, It takes harder than you think it takes.

I know you have heard this advice many many many times "Work Harder." The reason that you have heard this advice many time over is because it works, really works.

It takes more work than we think it takes to achieve something.


Your Biggest Investment - YOURSELF

Right your biggest investment is "Yourself." Many of the people forget that they need to invest more in themselves. You need to invest in yourself.

You need to invest in your skills, in your improvement, in your betterment. You need to spend some time improving yourself.


Demonetization and Its Effect

Demonetization is the act of stripping a currency unit of its status as legal tender. Demonetization is necessary whenever there is a change of national currency. The old unit of currency must be retired and replaced with a new currency unit. This in simple words mean that we will not be able to use the previous currency.


Types of Investor

Investor is the one who allocates capital with the expectation of a future financial return. An investor invest his money in order to earn more.

Investor are of two types - Defensive and Aggressive Investor.


Investor Versus Speculator

As Benjamin Franklin said in his book "The Intelligent Investor" that Investment operation is one which on thorough analysis promises safety of principal and adequate return. The rest are speculative operations.
The one who follows the investment operation is Investor and the one who doesn't is a Speculator.


Never Stop Learning..!!

Learn, Learn, Just Learn whatever you can. If you learn instead of wasting time or doing meaningless things, it will go a long way.
You just need to learn whatever you it will make your life easy, simple and you will be more efficient and productive in your work.


One of the biggest problem in this world is that nobody listen to others. Everybody want to tell what they have to. Nobody listens to others point of way. In the present world, there are many good Speakers but not a good Listener.
So, Man just clean your ears and start listening to what others have to say.


3 (Three) thing that can make you Rich within 5 years, no matter where you start from

Everyone wants to be rich as soon as possible, but we some how believe that it is not possible. We are made to believe that we cannot get rich in years, it takes decade to be rich. But it is not true.

I am writing this post to tell you that you can get rich in years, not decades, no matter where you start from. Just remember it will take a lot of hard work to achieve that.

Connect with People as often as you can

Many of us are not social. We only have few friends and acquaintances whom we meet and talk to. You just need to connect to more people.

You just need to be connected to more new people. You just need to talk to more people, meet more people. This will help you in lot of ways.


Best way to avoid Procrastination - Just Get Started

Procrastination is very bad habit. We all postpone important thing in our lives because they are difficult, boring and god know, how many more reasons.

Know your Emotions all the time

The knowledge of your own emotions is much more rewarding then the knowledge in any other subject.

In this age people know almost of everything, but they do not know what they are feeling or what there emotions are.


If you want to be Businessman, Run a Marathon

You will be thinking, what kind of advice is that. This advice works. Yeah, if you want to be good in Business, Run a Marathon.

You will be thinking that there is no connection between running a marathon and running a business. But there is a very deep connection between these two things.

Qualities important in Business

Business requires a set of certain qualities. These qualities help a person to develop and make progress in his business.


The Power of Compounding

Compounding is a very powerful tool in Investing.

Compounding is the process of investing your profit and earnings in a stock again on that stock to even gain more.

Investing Tip: Don't believe Anyone

One of our biggest mistake is that we believe anyone in the matters of Finance and Investing. Don't believe anyone.

Just enquire and try to get as much as information you can and invest in the best stock you can find. Do not follow others. Don't be a sheep in the herd.


The Only 4 factors that can Move the Price of your Assets

The price of the asset matters the most to the owner of the asset whether it is a house or a other property.

The owner always has his eyes on the price, whether he is gaining profit or he is losing on his investment. These are the only thing owner wants to know.

You are your own Competition

In this world to succeed, you need to beat only one person that is yourself. Right, you are your only competition.

In this competing age, we compete on almost everything and with almost everybody. But we often forget our most powerful competitor, ourselves.


Keep Motivating Yourself, Before and During the Task

Motivation is very important if you want to achieve something in your life.

Motivation is a very powerful thing. It can make you achieve the things you haven't even dreamed of. It can make you achieve the impossible.

Business and its Processes (Value Creation, Marketing, Sales, Value Delivery & Finance) Explained

A successful business, roughly defined, provides something of value that other people want or need at a price they’re willing to pay, in a way that satisfies the customer’s needs and expectations so that the business brings in sufficient profit to make it worthwhile for the owners to continue operation.


Ways to protect your money from Inflation

The inflation is the rise in the cost of living. Inflation decreases the cost of your money.

Inflation just decreases your spending power. If the economy is inflating, you will be losing your purchasing power. Inflation slowly rots your money and people do not realize this. Inflation is life a parasite that eats you money.

Inflation and Deflation

In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. 

On the other hand, deflation can be described as a decrease in the general price level of goods and services or currency appreciation with respect to the same goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% (a negative inflation rate).


Think of what you don't know

Yeah right, Think of what you don't know. You should think of the short comings, not your achievements.

Yes, people tell you think of your achievements and it is right to think of them to for motivation. That is all they provide motivation which by the way is important.

Sick of losing money in your investment - Try This

Are you tired of losing money in stock market, try this technique to minimize the risk and increase the chances of you getting more return.

We are all afraid of the fluctuations in the market. The correct way to invest if your stock is fluctuating is to invest money when it is lowest and take money out when it is highest.


Getting Rich is Easy, Staying Rich is Difficult

People think that getting rich is the last step in there journey, but it ain't the last step. Its just the beginning. Its just a start.

People have the mentality that it is very difficult to get rich, but it is more difficult to stay rich than attaining wealth.

The Goals setting that will make you Rich

The goal setting is one of the most important thing. A person must know what he want to achieve, you must write it also. 

A person must know what he wants to achieve with his life, which is limitless.


Do not just Work, Acquire skills

"Work is so boring," I've heard it by so many persons that I can not even count

Yeah, I know it is not the most interesting time of your life, it is boring. So, please do not work because you have to, work to acquire skills.

Investing Tip: Always have some cash in your hand everytime

Many people who invest do not have any money left in there hand. They invest all there money thinking that they will get more returns if they invest more. I am just telling you might get better return, but if you fall, you will fall bad and will have no way to bounce back.


Myths of Share market

There are many thing in a stock market that people believe to be true. But they are not true.

Here are few among them:

Procrastination ~ The Habit you should avoid

We all procrastinate. We all postpone our actions. This post will tell you the disadvantages of Procrastinate.

Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. We all in our life have postponed the things that we do not like or require a hard work to do. This is not the right habit because it hinders our productivty.


4 Qualities you need for your business

This post is not about the things you need for business that you know very well (Money, place etc). This post is about the qualities you need for your business.

The qualities you need to improve a business are as follows- work, effort, energy and persistence. These are the only four qualities you need for business.

Business - Just start one

Yes, open a small business, get out of that 9-5 boring and stupid job which you do not like anyways. Do something that you like.

Do something fun and of your liking. You will see that you will be more productive and more happy than you jobs. For me it was telling people of personal finance and help them that why I started this blog.

Why you should Earn Money?

Many people are in the dilemma whether they should earn money or not. This post will try to solve your dilemma and will tell you why you should earn money?

I will answer this question in just one word - Power.


Investing is fun..!!

This post is directed to all those people who think that investing is boring and its a lot of work. I want to tell all you guys that investing is not boring. Actually its very interesting.

Investing is not boring. Investing is the most interesting thing.

The Fault in Our Mutual Funds

Though the mutual funds are a safe bet as it is managed by the professionals and is well diversified. But everything that is good also has some faults in it.

Mutual Funds also has some faults which can be removed by selecting the right fund.

Risk Free investment - Mutual Fund

I am sure everyone among you have heard about this word, Mutual Fund. But do you know What it is?

Mutual Fund is An investment programme funded by shareholders that trades in diversified holdings and is professionally managed.


Choose your Friends Wisely

"Choose your friends wisely," this is the advice my teacher gave me in the fifth grade. I did not understood that until I became a teenager.

In the childhood we've heard something like friends are jewel. They might be. But what good are the friends who bring you down.

Find a Role Model and Copy them

A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others.
There a saying if you want to be like someone just follow them. So, if you want to be rich just follow rich man.

Mistakes People make in Stock Market

One of the ways for not making any mistake is know the mistakes of the people. This post is about the mistake people make in stock market.

The mistake people make in stock market can result in great loss of money.


No one can predict Market correctly

Yes, you can never predict whether the market will go up or not. You can only speculate the movement of the market.

Quality needed for getting Rich - Patience

Patience is a very important quality that you need to achieve your goals and targets, not just in investing, also in the other fields of life.

"Have Patience. All things are difficult before they become Easy."

A Simple Tip if you want to Get Rich ~ SAVE TAXES

"Save Taxes" these are the most important important words you will hear come out of an investor. Yes if you want to get rich, you must save Taxes.

A tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state to fund various public expenditures